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Administrative support for Imam Khalid Griggs

A message from President Nathan Hatch to Wake Forest students, faculty and staff When Imam Khalid Griggs was named Associate Chaplain for Muslim Life in 2010, I spoke about the strength of Wake Forest’s religious heritage as we sought to provide religious leadership for the […]

President’s Holiday Open House

President and Mrs. Hatch invite you to join them for a Holiday Open House Tuesday, December 9 1:00 p.m. until 5:00 p.m. (drop-in) The President’s Home 1000 Kearns Avenue Winston-Salem 27106 (parking & shuttle information below) Hope to see you there! Happy Holidays! Parking at the President’s […]

Categories: Happening at Wake

Welcome to a new semester

A message to students, faculty and staff from President Nathan Hatch. Welcome to a new semester at Wake Forest. Whether you are embarking on your first experience on campus or you’re a familiar face on these grounds, we all approach this beginning with anticipation […]

Hatch elected to the American Academy of Arts and Sciences

The American Academy of Arts and Sciences has elected Nathan Hatch, president of Wake Forest University, among its newest members. One of the nation’s most prestigious honorary societies, the Academy is also a leading center for independent policy research. Members contribute to Academy publications and […]

A message from President Nathan Hatch

A message from President Nathan Hatch to the Wake Forest Community. Yesterday, after the announcement that Jeff Bzdelik had resigned as Wake Forest’s head basketball coach, some members of our community took it upon themselves to roll the Quad. Rolling the Quad, as every Wake […]

CARE Team, a vital campus resource

The following is a message from President Nathan Hatch: Dear Wake Forest Faculty and Staff, At Wake Forest University our Campus Assessment, Response and Evaluation (CARE) Team is a vital resource, available to all of us.  The CARE Team is here to help when […]
