• Memorial service for Grant Madison Backerman


    A campus memorial service honoring the life of Grant Madison Backerman, will take place on Saturday, May 16 at 11 a.m. in the auditorium of the Porter Byrum Welcome Center. A Wake Forest senior, Grant passed away unexpectedly at his off-campus residence on May 2. […]

  • News team presents about ‘Commencement Speaker Drama’


    On April 16, Katie Neal (’03) and Cheryl Walker (’88) presented at the national Public Relations Society of America’s (PRSA) Counselors to Higher Education Senior Summit in Washington, D.C. Their presentation, “Commencement Speaker Drama? Getting It Right in the National Spotlight,” shared best practices […]

  • Proposals funded: Guthold, Marsh, Rejeski


    Congratulations to Martin Guthold, professor of physics, whose proposal entitled “Comprehensive Cancer Center Grant: Fall 2014” has been funded by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and by [subaward/subcontract from] Wake Forest University Health Sciences (WFU funding agency). Congratulations to Tony Marsh, professor of health […]

  • Miller and Jayawickreme address the topic “Why be Good? for Slate.com


    For a project sponsored by the John Templeton Foundation to address big life questions, professor of philosophy Christian Miller and assistant professor of psychology Eranda Jayawickreme were among eight professors from around the world invited to write essays addressing the topic, “Why be Good?” for […]

  • March 2015 faculty publications


    Aull, Laura. (English). First-Year University Writing: A Corpus-Based Study with Implications for Pedagogy. Palgrave Macmillan. March 2015.         Judy, Tiffany, & Silvia Perpiñán, Eds. (Romanace Languages). The Acquisition of Spanish in Understudied Language Pairings. John Benjamins Publishing. March 2015.

  • Benefits enrollment ends today


    Today is the final day to enroll for benefits or elect a Flexible Spending Account for the next plan year. If you have not already enrolled, please take a few minutes to do so. You will need to enroll if you are: Planning to participate […]

  • Blackmon selected to attend Southeastern Association of Housing Officers Institute


    Zachary Blackmon, residence life coordinator for the Quad area residence halls, is one of 32 participants selected to attend the Southeastern Association of Housing Officers (SEAHO) 12th annual Regional Entry Level Institute from June 3-6 in Atlanta, Ga. More than 100 people applied to attend. Blackmon supervises the […]

  • March 2015 faculty and staff comings and goings


    See a list of employees joining and leaving the University in March 2015: