• CRADLE program invests in faculty and grantsmanship


    The Creative Research Activities Development and Enrichment (CRADLE) initiative is engaging with its fifth cohort of faculty this September and continues to experience interest and success. The Office of the Provost and the Office of Research and Sponsored Programs (ORSP) coordinate the program. CRADLE […]

  • July 2015 faculty publications


        Gillespie, Michele, & Sally G. McMillen, Eds. (History). North Carolina Women: Their Lives and Times (Southern Women: Their Lives and Times, Book 2). University of Georgia Press. July 2015.

  • Innovative solution for WFU blind student leads to journal article


    Michael Shuman and Robert Erhardt recently published an article in the Journal of Statistics Education, “Assistive Technologies for Second-Year Statistics Students who are Blind.” The article written by Shuman, interim director of Wake Forest’s Learning Assistance Center (LAC) and Erhardt, assistant professor of mathematics, […]

  • Allison McWilliams: New beginnings and letting go


    Allison McWilliams, director of mentoring and alumni personal and career development in the Office of Personal and Career Development, will write occasional articles in 2015-2016 for Inside WFU. This is her first for the academic year. In each, she will share observations and suggestions with […]

  • WakeUnited: Live United Katy Harriger


    Katy Harriger, professor and chair of politics and international affairs, has contributed to the WakeUnited Campaign for most of her 30 years at Wake Forest. “I understand the privileges I have as a college professor, and I have always believed that if you […]

  • Parking Office striving to reduce impact of parking lot loss


    Guest post from Alex Crist, director of the Parking and Transportation Office: This summer, a top priority of the Parking and Transportation staff has been finding ways to reduce the impact on faculty and staff of the loss of a parking lot to new construction. […]

  • ‘Book club’ approach to first-year reading


    Wake Forest took a “book club” approach to this year’s summer reading assignment for first-year students. From John Grisham’s “Gray Mountain” to Levitt and Dubner’s “Think Like a Freak,” to Susan Cain’s “Quiet,” incoming students can choose from 22 different books. All […]

  • Wake Forest Athletics Fan Fest set for Aug. 15


    Guest post from Wake Forest Athletics: The 2015 Wake Forest Athletics Fan Fest will be held Saturday, Aug. 15 at BB&T Field. Fans will be allowed on the field at 5 p.m. but are invited to arrive early to watch the football team in […]