A message of thanks from the United Way Campaign

Sent on behalf of President Hatch and Brad Shugoll (Campaign Chair): Today, we want to extend a heartfelt thank you to our campus community. Collectively through your efforts, we raised $256,334 for our 2020 United Way campaign. This total speaks to your generosity even amidst hardship. Thank you for rising to this moment and answering the call. We know that these donations are just a part of what you have contributed to our community over the past several months. Thank you for all you have done as volunteers, donors and civic leaders. 

A message from President Hatch announcing United Way 2020 Campaign launch

I remain grateful for the response all Wake Foresters have demonstrated over past months as we have navigated our current challenges. I am humbled by and proud of the ways our Wake Forest community continues to support the mission of this place, whether in the classroom, in administrative support offices, in our dining locations, among our groundskeeping and facilities operations, campus security and so many other functions. Thank you most sincerely.I write you today regarding our annual United Way campaign. This year, perhaps more than ever, our community is experiencing new levels of hardship. The work of United Way in coordinating efficient and effective response to community need remains a model that works. Our local United Way has been remarkably successful in addressing need and actually moving the needle toward response and solutions.

Response to malicious emails

The following message was emailed to students, faculty and staff on September 19, 2019 Last week, an unknown individual or individuals with malicious intent sought to spread a message of bigotry, division and fear among members of our campus community through emails sent to seven […]

25 Years Later: President Hatch’s Book on American Christianity

A quarter century after it was published, scholars are still talking about the award-winning book, “The Democratization of American Christianity,” written by Wake Forest University President Nathan O. Hatch. To mark the book’s 25th anniversary, Wake Forest will host a half-day symposium Feb. 6 featuring seven […]

Categories: Happening at Wake
