• Work location preference survey


    The following message was e-mailed to faculty and staff on June 1 from Provost Rogan Kersh and Executive Vice President Hof Milam.  Preparations continue for the possibility of a partial reopening of campus this fall; we are grateful for the engagement of so many faculty […]

  • A Message from President Hatch


    Dear Wake Forest community, Once again, we have seen our fellow human beings killed. George Floyd, Steven Taylor, Breonna Taylor and Ahmaud Arbery did not have to die. Their deaths have caused grief, anger, frustration, fear and hopelessness for many. Because of the deep effects […]

  • Class of 2024 Enrollment Update


    Guest post from Eric Maguire, Vice President of Enrollment: To date, more than 1,500 students have submitted a deposit to secure a seat in the Wake Forest Class of 2024. We are excited to welcome the talented students who decided to call Wake Forest their […]

  • Proposals funded: Rejeski, Anderson, Mason


    Proposals funded: Congratulations to Jack Rejeski, Paul Anderson and Sarah Mason.

  • Proposals funded: Salsbury, Katula, Waugh


    Proposals funded: Congratulations to Fred Salsbury, Jeffrey Katula and Christian Waugh.

  • Pre-College Program department’s online summer offerings


    The following message is shared on behalf of the Pre-College Program department: Pre-college students across the country are realizing that many of the summer activities they look forward to most – camp, travel, summer jobs/internships, volunteer work, and mission trips –  are canceled for this summer. If you know of a motivated, middle, or high school student…

  • President Hatch talks with Vice President Pence about COVID-19 and higher education


    On May 13, President Nathan Hatch was among a group of 14 higher education leaders from across the country invited to talk with Vice President Mike Pence regarding the impact of COVID-19 on colleges and universities and what it will take to reopen campuses in […]

  • Update on capital projects


    As stated in the message to faculty and staff on April 8, the University is reviewing all capital projects to determine whether or not they should proceed. Projects that are deemed necessary for the health and wellbeing of our students, faculty and staff, or are deemed critical to campus infrastructure are proceeding. Based on this guidance, the…