• Slavery, Race and Memory Project: ‘To Stand With and For Humanity’


    Dear Wake Forest Community: Today is Juneteenth. This day that honors and commemorates the freedom and emancipation of enslaved individuals has been celebrated as a holiday by black communities since the late 1880s. This year, however, Juneteenth has taken on a new and more somber […]

  • WFU to distribute cloth masks to employees June 23 and 25


    Wake Forest will offer a second cloth mask distribution for employees who did not pick up masks when the University originally distributed them in May.   Two cloth masks are available at no charge to each Wake Forest faculty and staff member. The University is supporting […]

  • Emergency Alert System network to be tested the week of June 15


    Multiple tests of the Emergency Alert System will be conducted starting June 16 and continuing through June 18. An Emergency Alert System message will appear on all televisions connected to the campus cable network, as well as on personal devices connected to the Wake Forest network via the Stream2 app. Stream2 users will only see the…

  • Our Way Forward: Fall 2020 Update


    Dear Wake Forest community, Our mission to open the doors of opportunity, seek truth and cultivate a community of people of good character and mutual support has never been more important, and perhaps has never been more deeply challenged. The communities in which we live […]

  • Faculty books: May 2020


    Gladding, Samuel T. (Counseling). Off the Courthouse Square: A Memoir. Library Partners Press. 2020. Shapiro, Sidney A., & Joseph P. Tomain. (Law). Regulatory Law and Policy: Cases and Materials, 4th edition. Carolina Academic Press. 2020. Soares, Joseph A., Ed. (Sociology). The Scandal of Standardized Tests: […]

  • Update on the President’s Commission on Race, Equity and Community


    This message was sent to the entire Wake Forest community. Dear Wake Forest community, The recent and ongoing perfect storm of a global pandemic, an economic recession and civil unrest have brought to the forefront, with renewed vigor, the injustices and inequity that plague our […]

  • ‘So You Want to Talk About Race’ faculty/staff book club begins June 17.


    The Office of Civic and Community Engagement is seeking to create a virtual community through a social justice book club. Faculty and staff are invited to participate in this month’s selection, “So You Want to Talk About Race” by Ijeoma Oluo. The book club will […]

  • Maya Angelou Garden Party available on Apple podcast


    For the past three years, the Wake Downtown Student Ambassadors and ZSR Library Ambassadors have collaborated to organize a Garden Party to celebrate Dr. Maya Angelou’s birthday and legacy. The party and public celebration, which has been held in Bailey Park in downtown […]