"Woody Hood" Archive

Department Chairs and administrative assistants for 2015-16

Please find below a list of academic department chairs and their administrative assistants for 2015-2016, as of July 1, 2015:

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Categories: Faculty NewsStaff News

Department of Communication faculty highlights

From awards to publications to presentations, the Department of Communication has written a roundup of faculty news to share:

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Categories: Faculty News

Endowed Professors, Faculty Fellowships and promotions

ironwork.200x250Congratulations to the College’s newest endowed professors, this year’s Wake Forest Faculty Fellows and those faculty receiving promotions.

The Wake Forest Professorship award is an endowed chair position and is among the University’s highest honors. The selection criteria include exceptional skill and sustained dedication in the classroom; outstanding commitment to student learning and growth beyond the classroom; a wide-reaching and significant record in scholarly and creative work; a sustained exemplary service to the department, the discipline, the College, the University and the broader scholarly community.

Recipients of the Wake Forest Professorships are:

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