Faculty win awards at Convocation

The Wake Forest community gathered together for Founders’ Day Convocation on Feb. 21 to celebrate the University’s founding in 1834 and the accomplishments of faculty and alumni in teaching, research and service. Faculty awards are listed below: Rhoda B. Billings (JD ’66), who was a […]

Proposals funded: Alexander, Dos Santos

Congratulations to Rebecca Alexander, associate professor of chemistry, whose proposal entitled “Dissecting catalytic features of diverse methionyl-tRNA synthetase enzymes” has been funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF). Congratulations to Patricia Dos Santos, assistant professor of chemistry, whose proposal entitled “Target specificity of cysteine desulfurase […]

Proposals funded: Dos Santos, Pauca

Congratulations to Patricia Dos Santos, assistant professor of chemistry, whose proposal entitled “Targeting Bacillithiol and Thiol-based Redox Homeostasis in Bacillus Anthracis” has been funded by the N.C. Biotechnology Center and the WFU Health Sciences. Congratulations to Paul Pauca, associate professor of computer science, […]

Dos Santos receives funding

Patricia Dos Santos, assistant professor of chemistry, has received funding from the N.C. Biotechnology Center for her proposal “Novel strategies to develop antibiotic to Gram-positive microbes assemble essential (Fe-S) clusters.”
