"obit" Archive

Professor Emeritus of History Richard Zuber dies

richard.zuber.200x150By Kerry King (’85) Wake Forest Magazine

Richard L. Zuber (P ’82, ’89) may have been as well known for playing good ol’ mountain music as he was for teaching United States and American military history. He did both well enough to become a regular in the alumni/faculty bluegrass band at Homecoming every year and to teach at Wake Forest for 38 years.

Zuber, who retired in 2000, died on Sept. 15, 2014, in Winston-Salem. He was 82. A service and reception will be held at St. Paul’s Episcopal Church in Winston-Salem at 2 p.m. on Monday, Sept. 22.

He is survived by his children, Jonathan (’82) and Elizabeth (’89), and his former wife, Isabelle Zuber; and his longtime companion, Mary Bartholomew, and her daughter and son-in-law, Sallie (’91) and Robert Capizzi (’94, MBA ’01), and two grandchildren.

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