‘Crucial Conversations’ reading and practice

A message from University Ombuds Jill Crainshaw and Erica Still, associate dean for Faculty Recruitment, Diversity, and Inclusion in the College Talking to one another: we all know it’s necessary, especially about the things that matter most. And yet, we find ourselves struggling first to […]

Categories: Happening at Wake

Adult ballet class offered

The Community Ballet is excited to offer a new, limited-run ballet class for adults beginning Saturday, October 5. The eight-week class will be held from October 5 through November 25 from noon to 1:30 p.m. in Studio D101 of the Scales Fine Arts Center. Retired […]

Categories: Happening at Wake

Call for ConsentCon proposals

ConsentCon is a conference dedicated to exploring the meaning and operationalization of consent on college campuses. ConsentCon 2025 will be held on Tuesday, February 11 at Wake Forest University and will engage students, faculty and staff in a community conversation about consent in pursuit of a campus free […]

Categories: Happening at Wake

Family Weekend volunteers needed

Wake Forest University Family Weekend will be held Sept. 27-29. More than 3,000 guests will be on campus for this event. The Family Weekend planning committee is requesting support to provide an exceptional Wake Forest experience for our students and families throughout the weekend. Sign […]

International Black Theatre Festival starts today

A generous grant from the Henry Luce Foundation has fueled a partnership among Wake Forest’s School of Divinity, the University’s Wake the Arts Center, and Winston-Salem’s NC Black Repertory Theatre (NC Black Rep). The grant provided funding for two plays to be written for and […]

Categories: Happening at Wake
