Annual Wake Forest Christmas Lovefeast to be held virtually on Dec. 6

Wake Forest University will hold this year’s annual Christmas Lovefeast ceremony virtually on Sunday, Dec. 6, beginning with a prelude at 5:45 p.m. with a service to follow. Wake Forest has been celebrating the Lovefeast since 1965. This year’s virtual, pre-recorded event means a larger audience can enjoy Lovefeast from the safety of their own homes. The video will be shared on the Lovefeast website on the day of the event. A crowdfunding page for the Chaplain’s Emergency Fund is replacing donation baskets typically available as people exit Wait Chapel.

Categories: Happening at Wake

Reynolda Gardens and Bookmarks to host virtual event on Dec. 3

All are invited to join Bookmarks and Reynolda Gardens for a virtual event on Dec. 3 at 2 p.m. with Sue Stuart-Smith, distinguished psychiatrist, avid gardener and author of “The Well-Gardened Mind: The Restorative Power of Nature,” a Sunday Times bestseller. Jon Roethling, director of Reynolda Gardens, will close the event with a question and answer session.

Categories: Happening at Wake

Celebrating International Education Week with events Nov. 16-20

International Education Week (IEW) 2020 begins Monday, Nov. 16. IEW celebrates the benefits of internationalization
on campuses across the U.S. It serves as a reminder that college and university campuses play a special part in shaping the awareness of our role in the global village. The Center for Global Programs and Studies and co-sponsors invite the Wake Forest community to participate in a wide variety of events Nov. 16-20 celebrating international education all week long.

Today’s flu shot clinic moved to Graylyn Management House

Due to the potential for inclement weather, today’s flu shot clinic from 1 – 4:30 p.m. has been moved indoors at Graylyn Management House. This clinic is free to all faculty, staff and retirees. Spouses and dependent children (8 years and older), who are enrolled in the University’s BlueCross BlueShield medical plan are also eligible.This will be the final WFU-sponsored flu shot clinic of the calendar year. 

SAC updates: November 2020

The next Staff Advisory Council (SAC) meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, Nov. 11, from 3 to 4:30 p.m. Staff will receive an emailed link to the Zoom Webinar the day before each meeting. November meeting topics include spring sports and Title IX updates.
