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UPD donates unused, unneeded bikes

A guest post from Wake Forest University Police Each year, dozens of bicycles are abandoned at locations around campus. They are collected by the police department and held for the period allowed by NC law until they can be donated. The University Police Department donates […]

MOVEit software data security incident

A message from Mur Muchane, Vice President for Information Technology & CIO In the coming days or weeks, you may receive notification letters regarding a recent global cybersecurity incident involving the MOVEit Transfer Software that has affected two of Wake Forest’s third-party benefits administrators as […]

Construction update from Facilities and Campus Services

Campus construction is taking longer than expected. The University Parkway entrance to campus will remain closed through August 11. Additionally, the construction fencing along Wake Forest Road will remain in place until August 11. Facilities and Campus Services appreciates everyone’s understanding as construction progresses. Please […]

Faculty and staff proposals funded

Congratulations to the following Wake Forest faculty and staff members who have had proposals funded in April and May 2023. Paul Anderson, professor of physics, whose proposal “Studies of Quantum Effects Related to Black Holes and the Early Universe” has been funded by the National […]

President Wente announces two internal promotions

President Susan R. Wente announced two promotions that took effect on July 1. Mark Petersen has accepted a promotion to Senior Vice President of University Advancement, and Brett Eaton has accepted a promotion to Vice President of Communications and Chief Communications Officer.  “Mark and Brett […]
