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Homecoming parking tips

In preparation for Homecoming and WFU Board of Visitors events on campus, Transportation & Parking Services has shared the following parking information. Friday – Sunday, October 20 – 22 Spaces in front of Tribble will be reserved Security will allow access to all handicapped parking […]

WFU to host NC Japanese Language Student Conference

The Japanese Program in the Department of East Asian Languages and Cultures will host the second annual North Carolina Japanese Language Student Conference on Saturday, Oct. 28 from 11:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. in Benson University Center. The conference program will include presentations by students […]

Academic Resources Awareness Week is Oct. 23-27

Wake Forest University’s Academic Resources Awareness Week will be held Oct. 23-37. The goal is to make students aware of all the free, on-campus academic resources available to them and normalize their use. From peer tutoring and help centers to academic coaching, ZSR research sessions, […]

Groves receives ‘Excellence in Risk Management Award’

Julie Groves, director of risk services at Wake Forest, completed her year as president of the University Risk Management and Insurance Association (URMIA) on September 12. At the association’s annual conference in Baltimore, Maryland, Marsh Insurance awarded Julie with their inaugural “Excellence in Risk Management […]
