• Ettin writes article


    Andrew Ettin, professor of English, has written an article “Rahav Visited and Revisited,” that was published in the August 2010 issue of “Kerem: Creative Explorations in Judaism.”

  • Custodians recognized for new cleaning program


    A new method of cleaning campus buildings has earned Wake Forest an award for best new cleaning program from an industry group, which also recognized eight custodians for their outstanding work. The University began implementing the “Operating System I” (OS1) approach to cleaning campus buildings […]

  • Meet Connie Green, English Department


    Connie Green, administrative coordinator in the English department, does a lot of “juggling,” which is why she was named Employee of the Year (non-exempt) last fall. She has worked at Wake Forest for 19 years.

  • Reynolda House Museum of American Art


    Reynolda House Museum of American Art offers some programs, including gallery talks, lectures and symposia, at no cost to faculty and staff. See the museum’s calendar for free events. General admission to the Museum is always free for faculty and staff and a guest.

  • Want to try out an iPad or ebook reader?


    You can check out an iPad, ebook reader, flip video camera, HD digital camera and mini LCD projector from The Bridge, located at the back of the main floor atrium in the Z. Smith Reynolds Library.

  • Ron Noftle receives national award


    Decades of working with undergraduates in his chemistry research has earned chemistry professor Ron Noftle national recognition. Noftle was one of 12 educators recently named a 2010 Senior Scientist Mentor by The Camille and Henry Dreyfus Foundation. “Many (senior) faculty no longer teach courses nor take […]

  • Parking for off-campus workers


    Employees who work off-campus are reminded that they can park in parking lot N (between Kitchin and Poteat residence halls) or in General parking lots when coming to campus. See the map for more details.

  • Preface to the “History of Wake Forest University: Volume 5”


    “President Scales’ tenure as president was marked by struggle and anxiety… the campus was lively, day by day, with a creative passion that I had not seen before at Wake Forest, and that I have not seen since. I am trying to tell, […]