• Technology Briefing will feature WFU


    The Technology Council of the Winston-Salem Chamber of Commerce has announced 10 presenters for the 11th annual Technology Briefing, including four with Wake Forest associations.  They include: Daniel Kim-Shapiro, professor of physics; Bob Summers, chief executive officer of Camel City Solar in Winston-Salem, which is […]

  • Proposals funded: Stone, Salam


    Congratulations to Eric R. Stone, associate professor of psychology, whose proposal entitled “Aggregative Contingent Estimation System (ACES)” has been funded by the Intelligence Advanced Research Projects Activity (IARPA) and the Applied Research Associates (WFU funding agency). Congratulations to Akbar Salam, associate professor of chemistry, whose […]

  • Parking lot will be closed Monday


    Parking Lot W1 — the lot between Poteat Field and the Worrell Center — will be closed Monday, Aug. 6, to be re-striped. Additional parking can be found in surrounding parking facilities (Parking Lots W2, W3 and W4). Click here to see a parking […]

  • Phone system work being done


    Because of severe storms in the Winston-Salem area last night, the campus telephone system is now experiencing static. Please know that Information Systems is working with our telephone system vendor to reset hardware in order to correct the static on the campus telephones. During the […]

  • Proposals funded: Louden, Moore


    Congratulations to Allan Louden, professor of communication and department chair, and Alessandra Beasley Von Burg, assistant professor of communication, whose proposals entitled “Benjamin Franklin Transatlantic Fellows Summer Institute” and “Franklin Institute Embassy Funding” have been funded by the U.S. Department of State. Congratulations to Frank […]

  • Earthquakes and exhibitions in Italy


    Lecturer in Art Leigh Ann Hallberg plans December opening for Revenants With funding from the Hoak Family Fellowship, senior lecturer in art Leigh Ann Hallberg sculpted eight enormous iron heads with connective netting, then shipped them to Italy for a public art exhibition. When speaking […]

  • Wilson is new substance abuse prevention coordinator


    Lavi Wilson is the new substance abuse prevention coordinator at Wake Forest. In her role, Wilson will provide a variety of services to students, including workshops/trainings, individual assessment and counseling, campus-wide programming, consultation on alcohol and drug concerns, and referrals to community support services. Wilson […]

  • Proposals funded: Kim-Shapiro, Carroll


    Congratulations to Daniel B. Kim-Shapiro, professor of physics, whose proposal entitled “Exercise, Weight Loss and Arterial Stiffness in Obese, Older Adults” has been funded by the American Heart Association and the WFU Health Sciences (WFU funding agency). Congratulations to David Carroll, professor of physics, whose […]