• Secrest Artists Series event is tonight


    The Venice Baroque Orchestra, a world-renowned chamber orchestra, will perform on Thursday, Jan. 24, at 7:30 p.m. in Brendle Recital Hall. The program will be all Italian: Vivaldi, Albinoni, Geminiani and Veracini. Andrea Marcon is the conductor. Learn more about the orchestra on the Secrest […]

  • Kairoff featured in Winston-Salem Journal


    Professor Peter Kairoff was recently featured in the Winston-Salem Journal. Kairoff, a pianist who has performed around the world, has just released a CD with tenor Glenn Siebert, who is a faculty member at UNC School of the Arts. The CD hopes to revive interest […]

  • Check out the new help.wfu.edu


    It’s a new year and Wake Forest’s Information Systems is excited to introduce its new help.wfu to better serve the needs of Wake Forest students, faculty, staff and friends. The new help.wfu.edu site looks different with more menu categories, a new current top issues […]

  • Kersh, Milam to speak at SAC meeting


    Two of Wake Forest University’s senior administrators, Rogan Kersh and Hof Milam, will speak on the University’s Strategic Resource Initiative (SRI) at the Jan. 22 meeting of the Staff Advisory Council. Kersh serves as the University’s provost, Milam as senior vice president of finance and […]

  • Sakai upgraded over winter break


    On Jan. 5, Information Systems staff performed an upgrade to Sakai, Wake Forest’s learning management system. Previously created sites and their content were retained. It now has new functionality, including improved Profile and Assignments tools, an enhanced content editor with increased math capabilities, and a […]

  • SAC needs your input on survey


    Over this last year, the Staff Advisory Council (SAC) has formed committees designed to help advocate for staff by presenting ideas, recommendations and suggested solutions to senior leadership. These committees are Professional Development, Work-Life Balance, Communications and Fringe Benefits (a co-committee with the Faculty Senate). […]

  • Police chief finalist for national award


    Regina Lawson, Wake Forest’s police chief for the past 20 years, is a finalist for the 2012 Campus Safety Director of the Year Award. Campus Safety Magazine, which presents the award annually, announced the award’s finalists, recently.  The award will be announced in mid-April. […]

  • Final day to enter ticket lottery


    Today is the final day that Wake Forest staff may register online for a lottery to win free tickets to a men’s home basketball game against Georgia Tech and a special pre-game “tailgate” lunch. The University’s Staff Advisory Council is organizing the staff appreciation event […]