• Wake Forest Fellows announced for 2018-19


    Eight seniors will remain at Wake Forest after graduation in May as Wake Forest Fellows.  They will work throughout the campus community, including in the offices of the President, the Provost and the Dean of the College.

  • Furr receives psychology awards


    Michael Furr, professor of psychology, recently was a recipient of the Society of Personality Assessment’s Walter F. Klopfer Award for distinguished contributions to literature in personality assessment.  The award, presented in March, was in recognition for the best empirical paper published in the Journal of Personality Assessment.  The paper was written by Furr and Anselma (Anna)…

  • Staff Appreciation Picnic to be held June 7


    This is a guest post from the Staff Advisory Council: The Staff Advisory Council and the Office of Wellbeing are planning another fun-filled Staff Appreciation Picnic to be held June 7 from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. in the Reynolda Hall “cafeteria” (Fresh Food Company/The Pit). All staff are encouraged to come and enjoy a delicious lunch,…

  • Faculty books: April 2018


    Dinan, John. (Politics & International Affairs). State Constitutional Politics: Governing by Amendment in the American States. University of Chicago Press. April 2018.

  • Volunteers sought for NCAA Tennis National Championships


    This is a guest point from Wake Forest Athletics: Wake Forest Athletics is hosting the 2018 NCAA Tennis National Championships and we need your help! We are currently looking for volunteers to help make this an incredible event for all student-athletes, coaches, and patrons traveling to Winston-Salem. The event runs from May 17-28

  • Carla Harris to deliver commencement address


    Carla Harris, vice chairman, managing director and senior client advisor at Morgan Stanley, will deliver Wake Forest University’s commencement address on Monday, May 21.

  • Sexual Assault Reported


    This alert was emailed to students, faculty and staff on Apr. 28 by Wake Forest Communications and External Relations: Wake Forest University is issuing this timely warning concerning an incident of concern to the campus community.