Faculty Books: 2018

January 2018

Lemke, Christiane, & Helga A. Welsh. (Politics & International Affairs). Germany Today: Politics and Policies in a Changing World (Europe Today series). Rowman & Littlefield. December 2017.

February 2018

 Furr, R. Michael. (Psychology). Psychometrics: An Introduction, 3rd ed. December 2017.

 Goldschmidt, Tyron, & Kenneth L. Pearce, Eds. (Philosophy). Idealism: New Essays in Metaphysics. Oxford. February 2018.

Pasquarelli, Susan Lee; Robert A. Cole; & Michael J. Tyson, Eds. (Center for Global Programs and Studies). Passport to Change: Designing Academically Sound, Culturally Relevant, Short-Term, Faculty-Led Study Abroad Programs. Stylus Publishing. December 2017.

Trachtenberg, Barry. (History). The United States and the Nazi Holocaust: Race, Refuge, and Remembrance (Perspectives on the Holocaust series). Bloomsbury Academic. February 2018.

March 2018

 Harlan, Susan. (English). Luggage (Object Lessons series). Bloomsbury Academic. March 2018.

Shaner, Katherine A. (Divinity). Enslaved Leadership in Early Christianity. Oxford University Press. March 2018.

Smith, Sandra C., & Christopher T. Copeland. (Divinity). Heart of the Enneagram: A Companion for Deepening Personal and Spiritual Growth. Library Partners Press. February 2018.

Wilson, Eric G. (English). Polaris Ghost. Outpost19. March 2018.

April 2018

Dinan, John. (Politics & International Affairs). State Constitutional Politics: Governing by Amendment in the American States. University of Chicago Press. April 2018.

 Gladding, Samuel T. (Counseling). Family Therapy: History, Theory, and Practice, 7th ed. Pearson. April 2018.

May 2018

 Coates, David. (Politics & International Affairs). Flawed Capitalism: The Anglo-American Condition and Its Resolution (Building Progressive Alternatives series). Agenda Publishing. May 2018.

 Curtis, Michael Kent, J. Wilson Parker, William G. Ross, Davison M Douglas, & Paul Finkelman. (Law). Constitutional Law in Context, 4th ed. Carolina Academic Press. March 2018.

Hall, Mark A., David Orentlicher, Mary Anne Bobinski, Nicholas Bagley, & I. Glenn Cohen. (Law). Health Care Law and Ethics, 9th ed. (Aspen Casebook series). Wolters Kluwer. February 2018.

Hogan, Sarah. (English). Other Englands: Utopia, Capital, and Empire in an Age of Transition. Stanford University Press. May 2018.

Lee, Wei-chin. (Politics & International Affairs). Taiwan’s Political Re-Alignment and Diplomatic Challenges (Politics and Development of Contemporary China series). Palgrave Macmillan. May 2018.

June 2018

 Knox, John H., & Ramin Pejan, Eds. (Law). The Human Right to a Healthy Environment. Cambridge University Press. June 2018.

Scholl, Mark B., & James T. Hansen, Eds. (Counseling). Postmodern Perspectives on Contemporary Counseling Issues: Approaches Across Diverse Settings. Oxford. June 2018.

Young, Julian. (Philosophy). German Philosophy in the Twentieth Century: Weber to Heidegger. Routledge. June 2018.

July 2018

Camm, Jeffrey D., James J. Cochran, Michael J. Fry, Jeffrey W. Ohlmann, & David R. Anderson. (Business). Business Analytics, 3rd ed. Cengage Learning. March 2018.

Coughlin, Christine, & Joan Malmud Rocklin. (Law). A Lawyer Writes: A Practical Guide to Legal Analysis, 3rd ed. Carolina Academic Press. July 2018.

Knake, Renee Newman, & M. Ellen Murphy. (Law). Legal Ethics for the Real World: Building Skills through Case Study. Foundation Press. June 2018.

Morosini, Roberta. (Spanish & Italian). Dante, il Profeta e il Libro: La leggenda del toro dalla Commedia a Filippino Lippi, tra sussurri di colomba ed echi di Bisanzio. L’erma di Bretschneider. June 2018.

Venegas, José Luis. (Spanish & Italian). The Sublime South: Andalusia, Orientalism, and the Making of Modern Spain. Northwestern University Press. July 2018.

September 2018

 Gladding, Samuel T. (Counseling). The Counseling Dictionary, 4th ed. Wiley. July 2018.

Murphy, M. Ellen, & Steve H. Nickles. (Law). The Unauthorized Practice of Law for Nonlawyers, An Interactive Video Course. West Academic Publishing. September 2018.

October 2018

 Hall, Mark A., David Orentlicher, Mary Anne Bobinski, Nicholas Bagley, & I. Glenn Cohen. (Law). Medical Liability and Treatment Relationships, 4th ed. Wolters Kluwer. May 2018.

Harlan, Susan. (English). Decorating a Room of One’s Own: Conversations on Interior Design with Miss Havisham, Jane Eyre, Victor Frankenstein, Elizabeth Bennet, Ishmael, and Other Literary Notables. Abrams Image. October 2018.

Hyde, Michael J. (Communication). The Interruption That We Are: The Health of the Lived Body, Narrative, and Public Moral Argument. University of South Carolina Press. September 2018.

West, Page. (Business). Strategic Management: Value Creation, Sustainability, and Performance, 5th ed. Riverwood Publishing. June 2018.

November 2018

 Roniger, Luis. (Politics & International Affairs). Historia Mínima de Los derechos humanos en América Latina. El Colegio de México. November 2018.

December 2018

 Simmons, Omari Scott. (Law). Potential on the Periphery: College Access from the Ground Up. Rutgers University Press. December 2018.
