To advance the University’s Strategic Framework process, five working groups have begun exploring opportunities within the areas of emphasis announced by President Susan R. Wente on December 15. By design, the working group topics may support multiple thematic goals of the Strategic Framework.

Each Working Group is co-chaired by a member of the Core Planning Team and a faculty member new to the Strategic Framework process. A list of potential members was developed based on recommendations of deans, Core Planning Team members, and the Faculty Senate. Wente and Provost Michele Gillespie, who also is the chair of the Core Planning Team, determined the final membership based on those recommendations and consultation with other members of the Strategic Framework team.

Faculty and staff from across the College and Schools are represented, and each group has a liaison from the medical school and at least one member who is a Faculty Senator. Careful attention was paid to ensuring representation and diversity across multiple areas, including discipline/expertise, length of service and lived experience.

Each Working Group has been issued a charge to guide their efforts over the remainder of the spring semester, and each Working Group will provide opportunities for campus feedback in February. Their work will culminate in the submission of white papers that will form the basis of the final draft of the Strategic Framework to be presented to the Board of Trustees this summer. More information is available on the Strategic Framework website.

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