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Staff Advisory Council logo

The Staff Advisory Council (SAC) shared news about upcoming Wake Forest University events and workshops for faculty and staff, including:

  • The 2020 WakeUnited Campaign
  • D.E.A.C. (Developing Empowering, Affirming Communities) Allies workshops, offered by the LGBTQ+ Center
  • R.I.D.E. (Realizing Inclusion, Equity and Diversity) workshops, presented by the Office of Diversity and Inclusion
  • Wellness and movement programs, offered by the Office of Wellbeing
  • The WFU Healthy Weight for You program, offered by HELPS

View highlights below, and visit the SAC website to read the full newsletter.

Wake Forest United Way E-Pledge Campaign

The 2020 WakeUnited Campaign aims to live out our Wake Forest spirit of Pro Humanitate by uniting our global campus community in a collective fundraising effort. We are partnered with the United Way to identify and address the most significant needs among those most at risk here in Winston-Salem and the surrounding area. Learn more or make a donation.

D.E.A.C. Allies: Developing Empowering, Affirming Communities

D.E.A.C. Allies is the central platform for education and skill-building offered by the LGBTQ+ Center. The D.E.A.C. Allies approach centers LGBTQ+ voices across intersections of identity and focuses on the facilitation of narrative sharing, the generation and acquisition of knowledge, and the development of practical skills for participants. Workshops include LGBTQ+, The Gender Binary and Beyond and Skill Development + Practice.

To learn more and register for an upcoming D.E.A.C. Allies workshop, please visit the Professional Development Center and search “Allies.”

The Office of Diversity and Inclusion presents: R.I.D.E. workshops spring 2021

Getting Ready to R.I.D.E.: Inclusive excellence at WFU

This is your introduction to all things R.I.D.E.! In this 25-minute virtual session, we provide you with an overview of Wake Forest University’s framework for Inclusive Excellence. This session is available online and can be taken individually or with your team, at a time that works for you. You can access this program here.

Inclusive Excellence for Leaders: Realizing Inclusion, Diversity and Equity

This is a 90-minute session and the second in our R.I.D.E. workshop series. This workshop is intended for leaders and those with responsibility for leading diversity, inclusion and equity efforts within their organization or department. Our first workshop, “Getting Ready to R.I.D.E.: Inclusive Excellence at WFU” is not required, but viewing is strongly encouraged prior to attending this workshop. There’s an Inclusive Excellence for Departmental Leaders workshop, as well as an Inclusive Excellence for Student Leaders workshop.

Virtual Lunch and Learn

This workshop will focus on the best practices from a panel of department leaders who will offer insights on the R.I.D.E. planning processes for Inclusive Excellence, share their lessons learned and answer questions. Please join us in this discussion of the R.I.D.E. Framework and Action Planning process.

You can learn more and register for all workshops at

Wellness and movement programs


Learn about aromatherapy available to students, faculty and staff by visiting the Office of Wellbeing website.

Recreation Movement

Recreation Movement is back by popular demand! Your hard work landed Wake Forest in 1st place for the Spring/Summer event. Let’s defend our title! The 2020 Recreation Movement program allows students, faculty, University staff and alumni to participate in online workout classes from 100+ colleges and universities across North America. Digital fitness and recreation are great ways for people to connect, engage and stay healthy during these evolving times.

Wellbeing Opportunities

Whether you are working from home or working on campus, know that you can work out at the Wellbeing Center. Group fitness classes are being offered both in-person and by livestream. The weight rooms, pool and climbing wall are all open by reservation, made up to 48 hours in advance. Contact Campus Recreation with questions.

Also, check out Wellbeing Coaching sessions via Zoom!

WFU Healthy Weight for You, offered by HELPS

HELPS is offering a six-month weight management program to full-time, permanent Wake Forest University employees, free of charge. The WFU Healthy Weight for You program goes beyond healthy lifestyle modification, with a laser focus on weight loss. The program will offer a combination of weight-loss strategies and techniques to help individuals reach their goals. HELPS wants to help you achieve a healthy weight for you!

Applications are now being accepted for participation in our next group. Weekly group sessions will be held virtually via Zoom on Mondays from 11:15 a.m. to 12:15 p.m., and we plan to start on February 1, 2021.

Read more on Inside WFU, and contact Sophie Peters ( to apply.
