"Shelia Lockhart" Archive

Staff Advisory Council announces 2015 election results

SAC-logo-FINALThe Staff Advisory Council (SAC) is pleased to announce the results of the 2015 spring election. Thirteen new SAC representatives from across the University staff have been elected. New council members are: Landon Burrow (FACS: Maintenance Team 4), James Coffey (FACS: Custodial Services), Lou Gusbar (School of Business- Student Academic Services), Lauren Largen (Graylyn: Ads & Promotions), Sherry Long (Athletics: Student Athletes Services), Ellie Shannon (Athletics: Administration), Shelley Sizemore (Campus Life), Darlene Starnes (Multicultural Affairs), Barbara Stephens-Macri (Human Resources), Amanda Tingle (Dean of Wake Forest College), Amalia Wagner (Office of the Provost), Sandra Whicker (Admissions: Undergraduate), and Sarah Wojcik-Gross (Information Systems).

In addition to newly elected representatives, Artanzia Yates (Information Systems) and Scott Spernoga (Athletics: Sports Medicine) have been re-elected to serve an additional term. Each SAC representative will serve a term of three years and may be re-elected to serve one additional term.

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Categories: Staff News
