"Linda Nielsen" Archive

Faculty books: July-September 2019

 Nielsen, Linda. (Education). Father-Daughter Relationships: Contemporary Research and Issues, 2nd ed. Routledge. 2019.

Palmiter, Alan, Frank Partnoy, & Elizabeth Pollman. (Law). Business Organizations: A Contemporary Approach, 3rd ed. West Academic Publishing. 2019.

 Gladding, Samuel T. (Counseling). Groups: A Counseling Specialty, 8th ed. Pearson. 2019.

Gladding, Samuel T., & Kevin G. Alderson. (Counseling). Choosing the Right Counselor for You. American Counseling Association. 2019.

Categories: Faculty NewsInside WFU

February 2012 faculty publications

The following faculty had writings published in February 2012:

Catherine Harnois


Harnois, Catherine. (Sociology). Feminist Measures in Survey Research. SAGE. January 2012.

Nielsen, Linda. (Education). Father-Daughter Relationships: Contemporary Research and Issues. Routledge. January 2012.

Wilson, Eric. (English). Everybody Loves a Good Train Wreck: Why We Can’t Look Away. Farrar, Straus & Giroux. February 2012.

Categories: Faculty News
