Proposals funded: Messier, Rejeski

Congratulations to Steve Messier, professor of Health & Exercise Science and director of the J. B. Snow Biomechanics Laboratory, whose proposal entitled “Strength Training and Arthritis Trial (START)” has been funded by the National Institutes of Health (NIH). Congratulations to Jack Rejeski, professor […]

Jack Rejeski, Health and Exercise Science

Congratulations to professor Jack Rejeski, whose proposal entitled “Intervening on spontaneous physical activity to prevent weight regain in women” has been funded by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and the WFU Health Sciences.

Beet juice benefits older adults

Wake Forest researchers have shown for the first time that drinking beet juice can increase blood flow to the brain in older adults – a finding that could hold great potential for combating the progression of dementia.

Rejeski receives funding from NIH

Jack Rejeski, Thurman D. Kitchin Professor of Heath and Exercise Science, has received funding from the National Institutes of Health and Wake Forest University Health Sciences for his proposal, “Intervening on spontaneous physical activity to prevent weight regain in women.”
