Proposals funded: Ballard, Kim-Shapiro, Rejeski

Congratulations to Grey Ballard, assistant professor of computer science, whose proposal entitled “Linear and multiyear techniques for data analysis has been funded by the US Department of Energy and by [subaward/subcontract from] Sandia National Laboratories (WFU funding agency).

Proposals funded: Kim-Shapiro, Lee, Rejeski

Congratulations to Daniel B. Kim-Shapiro, professor of physics, whose proposal entitled “Antidote for inhaled CO poisoning based on mutationally engineered neuroglobin” has been funded by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) under award number 5R01HL125886-02 and by [subaward/subcontract from] University of Pittsburgh (WFU funding agency).

Proposals funded: Lachgar, Rejeski, Williams

Congratulations to Abdessadek Lachgar, professor of chemistry, whose proposal entitled “Empowering Pakistani Women through Scientific Research, Technology Development, and Entrepreneurship: Waste-to-Energy Technology Development” has been funded by the USAID and by [subaward/subcontract from] National Academy of Sciences (WFU funding agency).

Beavers receives prestigious NIH award

Kristen Beavers, assistant professor of health and exercise science, has been awarded a prestigious National Institutes of Health (NIH) K01 Mentored Research Scientist Development Award. It’s the first K01 awarded to a junior research faculty member on the Wake Forest campus. K01 awards […]

Proposals funded: Johnson, Rejeski, Thonhauser

Congratulations to Dan Johnson, associate teaching professor of biology, whose proposal entitled “Project SEARCH Academy: 2015: has been funded by the Northwest AHEC. Congratulations to Jack Rejeski, professor of health and exercise science, whose proposal entitled “Low intensity exercise intervention in perpheral artery disease” has […]

Proposals funded: Muday and Rejeski

Congratulations to members of the research laboratory of Gloria Muday, professor of biology, whose graduate and post-doctoral research proposals were recently funded. Sheena Gayomba, Post-doctoral researcher project “Hormonal Regulation of Tomato Root Architecture During Iron Deficiency” has been funded by the US Department of Agriculture. […]

Proposals funded: Marsh, Rejeski and Thomas

Congratulations to Tony Marsh and Jack Rejeski, professors of health and exercise science, whose proposal entitled “Pepper Center Clinical Research Core” has been funded by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and by [subaward/subcontract from] Wake Forest University Health Sciences (WFU funding agency). Congratulations to […]

Proposals funded: Fahrbach, Jennings, Rejeski

Congratulations to Reynolds Professor of Biology Susan Fahrbach, whose proposal entitled “Allatrotropic actions on insulin in honey bees” has been funded by the National Science Foundation.  Congratulations to Janine Jennings, associate professor of psychology, whose proposal entitled “LIFE DMAQC” has been funded by the National Institutes […]

Proposals funded: Carroll, Rejeski, Marsh

Physics professor Dave Carroll’s proposal, “Organic Thermoelectrics: The Matrix Composite Approach,” has been funded by the Air Force Office of Scientific Research and the Texas A&M Engineering Experiment Station (WFU funding agency). In health and exercise science, a proposal submitted by professors Tony Marsh and Jack […]
