Proposals funded: Macosko, Rejeski, Canzona

Congratulations to Jed Macosko, professor of physics, whose proposal entitled “Cellular Interactions of VSV Nucleocapsids” has been funded by the National Institutes of Health and by (subaward/subcontract from) Wake Forest University Health Sciences.

Proposals funded: Rejeski, Iltis, Brubaker

Congratulations to Jack Rejeski, professor of health and exercise science, whose proposal entitled “Molecular transducers of physical activity consortium coordinating center (CCC)” has been funded by the National Institutes of Health and by (subaward/subcontract from) the University of Florida.

Proposals funded: Brown, Dagenbach, Rejeski

Congratulations to Hana Brown, associate professor of sociology, whose proposal entitled “Enforcement or Embrace: The Determinants of State-Level Immigration Policies in New Immigrant Destinations,” has been funded by the National Science Foundation and by (subaward/subcontract from) the University of Illinois.

Proposals funded: Canzona, Rejeski, Shugoll

Congratulations to Mollie Canzona, assistant professor of communication, whose proposal entitled “Cargiver Oncology Needs Evaluation Tool (CONNECT): A Technology-Based Intervention to Connect Lung Cancer Caregivers with Supportive Care Resources,” has been funded by Wake Forest University Health Sciences.

Proposals funded: Gross, Rejeski, Curtis, Mewhinney

Congratulations to Michael Gross, associate professor of engineering, whose proposal entitled “CAREER: Processing High Surface Area, Nanostructured Ceramic Scaffolds at High Temperatures via In-Situ Carbon Templating of Hybrid Materials” has been funded by the National Science Foundation.

Proposals funded: Bonin, Messier, Rejeski

Congratulations to Jack Rejeski, professor of health and exercise science, whose proposal entitled “Pepper Older Americans Independence Center and Coordinating Center: Clinical Research Core” has been funded by the National Institutes of Health and by (subaward/subcontract from) Wake Forest University Health Sciences.

Proposals funded: Von Burg, Rejeski

Congratulations to Ronald Von Burg, associate professor of communication, whose proposal entitled “Benjamin Franklin Transatlantic Fellows Summer Institute – 2018” has been funded by the U.S. Department of State.
