"Gordon McCray" Archive

A message about technology and its future at Wake Forest

A message from:
School of Business Vice Dean of Programs Gordon McCray
Former CIO, Information Systems and Professor of Physics Rick Matthews, and
Vice Provost and Dean of Z. Smith Reynolds Library Lynn Sutton

Dear Wake Forest Faculty, Staff and Students,

In May 2014, a committee of Wake Foresters representing various areas of the University completed a review of the technological landscape in higher education and began the important challenge of exploring what the future of collaborative work might look like in the next five years.

After site visits, interviews and research, the committee produced “Vision 2020: Charting A Course for Academic Computing at Wake Forest,” a white paper that envisions how technology changes already underway can support teaching and learning at Wake Forest.

From an environmental scan to recommendations regarding teaching and learning, the 27-page report offers informative and insightful details on IT-based technology and higher education. We would like to showcase several important points from the paper as people begin to delve more deeply into Vision 2020.

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