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Congratulations to retiring faculty, staff

The following is a message from President Nathan Hatch:  Video While commencement season always brings about a sense of new beginnings and opportunities, it’s also a time to say thank you and bid farewell to many of our friends, colleagues and mentors who have called […]

September 2012 faculty milestones

See a list of employment milestones reached by faculty in September 2012: 30 years Maya Angelou; Reynolds Prof/American Studies William Selden Hamilton; Professor, German & Russian 35 years Andrew V. Ettin; Professor, English Allan Louden; Chair/Assoc Professor, Communication Teresa Radomski; Professor, Music Cecilia H. Solano; […]

Ettin writes article

Andrew Ettin, professor of English, has written an article “Rahav Visited and Revisited,” that was published in the August 2010 issue of “Kerem: Creative Explorations in Judaism.”
