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“Re-thinking Marginalized Identities in Pandemics” colloquium Oct. 9

Wake Forest University and Sant’Anna Institute in Sorrento, Italy, have teamed up to present the second International Virtual Colloquium, titled “Re-thinking Marginalized Identities in Pandemics” on Friday, Oct. 9, at 11 a.m. Organized and moderated by Sant’Anna academic director Marco Marino and Wake Forest associate professor of Women’s, Gender & Sexuality Studies Wanda Balzano, the colloquium will examine the ways the COVID-19 pandemic has impacted equity and equality.

Wake Forest and the New Museum present ‘IdeasCity Winston-Salem’

Wake Forest University, New Museum’s NEW INC in New York City, and more than a dozen local businesses and organizations, are engaging in a unique year-long partnership called “IdeasCity Winston-Salem.” Throughout the 2020-21 academic year, community partners will host events to explore creative approaches to improve health and wellbeing, economic development, and justice and equity for members of the Winston-Salem community.

Categories: Happening at Wake

Striving for inclusive excellence: RIDE workshops

On June 9, 2020, Wake Forest University officially launched its Inclusive Excellence Framework, called RIDE: Realizing Inclusion, Diversity and Equity. To further engage campus leadership working toward inclusive excellence at Wake Forest, the Office of Diversity and Inclusion (ODI) will offer several learning opportunities for faculty/staff leaders and student leaders to dive deeper into the framework.

Reynolda House will reopen Oct. 2 with “Tiffany Glass” exhibition

On Friday, Oct. 2, Reynolda House Museum of American Art will reopen at reduced capacity to welcome its members and volunteers, along with first responders and Wake Forest faculty, staff and students as part of its reopening “Weekend of Gratitude.” Timed reservations are required, and additional COVID restrictions will be in place. Today at 5 p.m., North Carolina transitions into Phase 2.5 of easing COVID-19 restrictions, permitting museums to open at reduced capacity.

WFDD Virtual Community Conversation Sept. 9

The next 88.5 WFDD Virtual Community Conversation will take place on Wednesday, Sept. 9 at 1 p.m. on YouTube live. WFDD’s Paul Garber will lead “Safeguarding Your Vote,” to talk about election security and maintaining the integrity of the vote in North Carolina.

Categories: Happening at Wake

Staff and faculty forums: July 24 and 27

The University will host a staff forum Friday, July 24 at 8:30 a.m. The Information Systems team has worked to ensure a safe and secure experience via Zoom Webinar. Vice President for Campus Life Penny Rue and Clinical Director of Student Health Service Joanne Clinch will appear as panelists for the faculty forum Monday, July 27, 5 – 6 p.m. An email with details for accessing the meeting will be sent to faculty later this week.
