If you haven’t already heard, the University is moving to NOVAtime, a web-based time-keeping and leave management application. This new system is replacing the current time-keeping applications (Stromberg and WIN) on campus and will unify all time and attendance activities for bi-weekly paid staff and students.

Beginning January 1, 2013, NOVAtime will also become the system of record for leave balances for all employees.

During July and August, several campus groups assisted with implementation by participating in a pilot test. The following departments participated: Facilities and Campus Services, Graylyn, Mail Services, University Stores, WFU Properties, Financial and Accounting Services, Information Systems, Human Resources, ZSR Library.

We are pleased to announce that the pilot was successful and that all time clock users and the sample group of bi-weekly employees have fully implemented NOVAtime!

If you are not part of the above groups, when can you expect to begin using NOVAtime? Here’s the answer:

  • Bi-weekly staff employees will begin using NOVAtime on Sept. 29, 2012.
  • Students will begin using NOVAtime on Oct. 1, 2012.
  • Exempt staff employees will begin using NOVAtime for leave management on Jan. 1, 2013.

How do you learn to use NOVAtime? Learning sessions for both employees and supervisors will be held during the weeks of October 2 and 9, and will be available for registration through the PDC website. More information on leave management for exempt staff will be available as we approach the new calendar year.
