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Wake Forest University’s Office of Environmental Health and Safety (EHS) is hosting an Ergonomic Experiential Lab on Friday, Feb. 7, in Worrell Hall, Room 3349.

Faculty and staff are invited to bring their laptops and explore workstation options. Sample height-adjustable desks, saddle stools, ergonomically sound chairs, anti-fatigue matting, articulating keyboard trays, laptop risers and vertical mice.

Individual in-person or virtual workstation assessments can be scheduled. Lunch-and-learn events are available for teams upon request.

WFU’s ergonomics website offers information on laptop ergonomics and sitting versus standing work. Some generally accepted guidelines for posture and furniture at computer workstations are myths. If rigidly followed, these misconceptions can lead to uncomfortable and costly mistakes.

Since 2011, the EHS Ergonomics Program has helped prevent and manage work-related musculoskeletal disorders associated with repetitive stress injuries. The lab is open Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Categories: Happening at Wake

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