On May 21, the University issued interim guidance regarding campus demonstrations and chalking and committed to issuing a permanent policy by August 1.

The Policy on Demonstrations, Chalking, and Posting was developed collaboratively with representatives of the Faculty Senate, the Staff Advisory Council, the Student Government, and academic and administrative leadership. It provides a content-neutral framework; expands locations where demonstrations and chalking are permissible; affirms the right of students, faculty, and staff to engage in acts of free expression; and includes time, place and manner provisions to safeguard the ability to demonstrate while upholding the University’s obligation to foster an environment free of harassment and discrimination for its members.

Associate Vice President for Policy and Government Affairs Julia Jackson-Newsom will continue to work with shared governance group representatives to promote awareness of the policy and to periodically evaluate the policy’s implementation. In addition, the Provost’s Office continues its work to draft a University statement on freedom of expression and academic freedom. And, recommendations forthcoming from the After Action Review of this spring’s encampment demonstration will be reviewed relative to the policy and may inform future revisions.

Questions about the Policy on Demonstrations, Chalking and Posting can be directed to Dr. Jackson-Newsom.

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