A message from Vice-President for Enrollment Eric Maguire

My colleagues and I in Undergraduate Admissions look forward to hosting admitted students on campus for Campus Days. Campus Days are large-scale events where we invite admitted students and their guests to Wake Forest – to spend time with faculty, staff, current students and fellow members of the Class of 2027; to sit in on academic sessions; tour residence halls; and eat meals with fellow Deacs.

This year, we are hosting Campus Days on Mon., April 10, and Fri., April 14. Campus Days help admitted students decide to enroll, and we invite the entire Wake Forest community to assist. We encourage each one of you to contribute to creating a memorable day for our visitors.

When thinking of the many hallmarks of the Wake Forest community, one that immediately comes to mind is the warm and welcoming faculty and staff. Please continue to say “hi” to those you pass, give directions to those who appear lost, appreciate a conversation on the Quad, enjoy lunch somewhere on campus, and introduce our visitors to our thoughtful community through the efforts you already employ daily.

We, in turn, like to be good hosts. To create a welcoming atmosphere for our visitors, we have reserved several parking lots around the Reynolda Campus; we have also reserved the parking lot at 2400 Reynolda Road for you. You are welcome to park and ride from there. We will be offering continuing shuttle service in the morning and afternoon. The shuttle zone at 2400 will be marked with a sign and a Wake Forest tent. The shuttle will run continuously from 7:45 to 10:15 a.m. from 2400 Reynolda Road to Parking Lot P. The shuttle service will resume from Parking Lot P to 2400 Reynolda Road and run continuously from 3 to 5:30 p.m.

We profoundly thank you for joining us in welcoming the next class of Demon Deacons!

Go Deacs!
