This message was sent by Provost Michele Gillespie:

Dear Wake Forest colleagues,

Congratulations on a spectacular Fall semester. Our students are thriving thanks to your dedication and engagement. Just as we all come together to deliver on our shared educational mission, I am mindful of the larger community we also share, our Forsyth County community, and the challenging struggles many residents are experiencing. In this season of Thanksgiving, I am especially grateful for the work the United Way of Forsyth County provides to our neighbors in need.

The United Way’s desire to create “a world-class community where no one lives in poverty and EVERYONE holds the power to access the opportunities and resources needed to thrive” echoes our shared commitment as Wake Foresters to pro humanitate. The organization supports dozens of local service organizations, and sustains direct-service partnerships with lower-income neighborhoods through its nationally-recognized “Place Matters” program. The United Way partners closely with community leaders to identify our county’s most pressing needs, using monies raised to address the root causes of those problems through strategic investments and partnerships that not only acknowledge the interconnections and complexities of our community’s challenges but generates coordinated, inclusive and collaborative efforts to solve them.

For those of you who are new to Wake Forest, please know we have traditionally been an important source of support for United Way activities, and I encourage you, if you are so inclined, to join me and hundreds of other Wake Foresters in providing much-needed resources by contributing to the 2022 Wake United Campaign. You should have received an email from with a personalized pledge link that makes giving quick and easy. (If you haven’t received the link, please reach out to a Campaign Cabinet member or the United Way at

I offer my sincerest thanks for this collective embrace of our Forsyth community and wish you all the happiest of Thanksgiving seasons.

Michele Gillespie
