Photo courtesy of Mike Ritter

The International Association of Campus Law Enforcement Administrators (IACLEA) Accreditation Commission presented Wake Forest University with its fifth re-accreditation on June 30. 

This is a highly prized recognition of campus public safety professional excellence. 

In 2008, the WFU Police Department was the first university in the United States to receive IACLEA accreditation.

During an on-site assessment, June 4-7, a team of assessors from IACLEA examined all aspects of the University Police Department’s policies, procedures, management, operations, and support services to ensure compliance with 215 standards. University community members, agency employees and the public were also invited to offer comments.

To earn re-accreditation, University Police must submit annual reports attesting to continued compliance with standards and policies, and participate in an on-site assessment every three years. 

The process requires Wake Forest UPD to seek continuous improvement in the work of providing a safe and inclusive community where students, faculty, staff and visitors may experience a sense of security and belonging.
