This message was emailed to faculty and staff on Oct. 20 on behalf of the 2021 Wake United Campaign Cabinet.

Dear Wake Forest Colleagues,

Each fall, the Wake Forest community comes together for our Wake United Campaign. This collective effort aims to support place based initiatives right here in Forsyth County. Whether you are giving to the United Way of Forsyth County for your 15th year or your 1st, we thank you for your generosity. It will take everyone coming together for us to reach our goal to provide critical financial support to our community.

In the short three weeks of our 2021 campaign, we have received gifts from over 225 faculty and staff. This includes Denise Griggs, who “has personally known families who have been connected to and received assistance from partner agencies due to the coordinated efforts of the United Way.” She knows that the United Way “provides hope and caring solutions in times of need.”

And John Champlin, who has “done my best to support Wake Forest’s United Way Campaign however I could for the decade that I’ve been a staff member here. The United Way and its partner agencies strive to better our community and I know that my donations stay in Winston-Salem and benefit neighbors in need. Participating in this campaign is one way to demonstrate my Pro Humanitate spirit.”

We are now in the final two weeks of the campaign, which concludes on Sunday, Oct. 31, so please take time to send a gift today. We know this is a busy time of year. We have worked to simplify the electronic giving portal, so pledging your contribution will take only a few minutes of your time.

Make Your Pledge Today!


2021 Wake United Campaign Cabinet

Brad Shugoll, Wake United Campaign Chair
Ashley Wechter, Wake United Campaign Co-Chair
Mary Pugel, Office of the President
John Shenette, Vice President, Facilities and Campus Services
Denise Griggs, Assistant to the Dean of the College
Leigh Stanfield, Executive Director for Global Engagement & Administration
Kathleen O’Rourke, Recruiter, Recruitment & Strategic Communications
John Turner, Director of Development, University of Advancement
Véronique McNelly, Professor of the Practice, French Studies

If you have questions about completing your pledge through this system, please contact

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