COVID-19 update

On Monday, the campus community received a message with key COVID-19 updates, including the lifting of some restrictions, a consolidated COVID-19 policy and a faculty and staff vaccine survey. Here are some key takeaways:

Lifting restrictions: All social distancing requirements and limitations on gathering sizes are lifted. Masks are optional for fully vaccinated individuals (except in specific settings). Those who are not vaccinated are expected to continue to wear masks indoors while in the presence of others. Photo of the sun rising over Poteat Field during the summer. A woman is running is the foreground, and a soccer goal and score board are visible behind large trees that line the field.People may continue to wear masks for many reasons, and individual choices should be respected as we navigate this period of transition.

COVID-19 policy: Wake Forest has created a consolidated COVID-19 policy to replace the numerous policies governing University operations. Both the Sick and Care Leave and Vulnerable Employee policies will expire June 30, 2021. Eligible employees may request a medical accommodation using the ADAA Medical Accommodations Form.

Vaccine survey: Earlier today, Human Resources emailed all full- and part-time active faculty and staff with instructions for completing a vaccine survey to indicate their vaccination status, verify vaccination records and/or register their intent to receive a vaccination. Colleagues should complete this survey as soon as possible and before August 2.

To accelerate the move to a fully-vaccinated campus, staff members may schedule their COVID-19 vaccine appointment during working hours. Managers should be informed of time away from work for this appointment and offer reasonable accommodations.

Student hiring updates

Managers are no longer required to provide an approval by a vice president or dean for student hires. Beginning in FY22, student employees should not work from locations outside of North Carolina. If an exception is needed to this, the manager should contact Payroll and Human Resources before setting up the job.

New University Policy Library

Colleagues can now access most administrative University policies in a new consolidated policy library with the help of an easy-to-use search function. Currently all HR policies are included, with additional policy content from across the University to be added over time.

Check it out »

Reynolda stroller tours: June 25-26

Parents and caregivers are invited to bring their young learners (0-3 yrs) in a stroller, front carrier or backpack for a walking tour of the Reynolda grounds.

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Mobile mammography clinic: June 29

Invision Diagnostics, in partnership with Wake Forest Baptist Health, will be on campus for a mobile mammography clinic.

Learn more and register »

TIAA advice sessions: June 29

A TIAA financial consultant will be available for individual 30-minute consultations to discuss retirement planning. The advice sessions are available for free to all faculty and staff.

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You could win $1 million!

ICYMI: Earlier this month, Gov. Cooper announced the $4 Million Summer Cash drawing – an opportunity for four vaccinated adults to win $1 million. The drawing begins June 23; get vaccinated for your chance to win.

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