The following message is shared on behalf of Wake Forest University Human Resources; it was emailed to faculty and staff on March 17.

COVID-19 vaccine update

To date, more than 3,500 members of the Wake Forest community have reported that they have been at least partially vaccinated at either an on-campus or community clinic. Photo of one of the first daffodils of the season

Individuals in Group 4, beginning with high-risk medical conditions, are now eligible to receive a COVID-19 vaccine. At this time, all 522 appointment slots for the March 22 vaccine opportunity have been filled.  On March 18, Human Resources and the Student Health Service announced an additional vaccination opportunity for Friday, March 26, at Sutton Center. Information regarding registration was shared at that time. Employees may contact the Faculty and Staff Clinic at 743.223.4217 with any questions.

Common questions, answered:

I already received my first dose. Can I schedule my second dose at the March 22 or 26 clinic? WFU is only able to distribute first doses at the March 22 and 26 clinics and will not be able to accommodate second-dose appointments on those dates.

I realized that I’m not currently eligible for Group 4 but already made my appointment. What should I do? Please cancel your appointment by clicking the link in the confirmation email you received from WFBH; this will help limit the number of no-shows and ensure all vaccine doses are distributed.

Can retirees, spouses, dependents or others in the community register for these on-campus clinics? Vaccination opportunities offered, or coordinated, by the University are only for students and active employees at this time. Any eligible individual may make an appointment with the Forsyth County Health Department, Walgreens, CVS, WFBH or Novant.

I’ve been vaccinated; how do I let Human Resources know? Colleagues can indicate they have received at least one dose of the Moderna or Pfizer vaccine, or the single dose of the Janssen vaccine, via the SneezSafe daily wellness screening survey. If you have already notified HR using SneezSafe or the Employee Survey, no further action is needed. Please note, all faculty and staff will continue to receive communications regarding vaccinations. If you have been fully vaccinated, you may disregard these messages.

Policy update: COVID-19 Employee Illness and Exposure

The policy was recently updated to exempt some employees from quarantine precautions if they meet current CDC and NCDHHS guidelines – approval for exemptions will be determined by the Faculty and Staff Clinic.

The full policy is posted on Our Way Forward.

Earth Month: Now through mid-April

Join the Office of Sustainability and campus partners in the pursuit of collective action for climate change and enjoy fun experiences and a renewed sense of community along the way. Don’t forget to nominate a colleague, a student or yourself for the 8th Annual Champions of Change campus sustainability awards. Nominations are due March 26.

Learn more on the Office of Sustainability website.

Thrive Dimension Awards: Nominations due March 22

Each year the Office of Wellbeing awards peer-nominated faculty and staff members for their contributions to and leadership of wellbeing initiatives.

Use this form to nominate colleagues.

TechX Virtual Conference: March 23-25

Faculty, staff and students are invited to explore how our campus community has creatively incorporated technology into the classroom, workplace and other collaborative spaces.

Learn more on the TechX website.
