Provost Rogan Kersh emailed the following announcement to faculty and staff on Jan. 10:

Dear Wake Forest faculty and staff,

On Thursday, January 16, Hof Milam, Executive Vice President, and I will be hosting the second Campus Connections of the academic year. We look forward to seeing you in Benson 401 from 8:45-10 a.m. for a light breakfast and presentations by members of our Wake Forest community.

  • “Online Update,” Kami Chavis, Associate Provost for Academic Initiatives, Professor of Law, and Associate Vice President
  • “Plan for Academic Excellence Update,” Andrea Ellis, Assistant Vice President of Innovation, and Ellen Murphy, Associate Dean of Strategic Initiatives and Professor of Practice in the School of Law
  • “Wake Will Lead | Campaign Update,” Mark Petersen, Vice President of University Advancement

Campus Connections will be available via Webex; instructions will be sent out next week.
