Wake Forest chemistry professor Abdou Lachgar.


Congratulations to Abdessadek Lachgar, professor of chemistry, whose proposal entitled “Empowering Pakistani Women through Scientific Research, Technology Development, and Entrepreneurship: Waste-to-Energy Technology Development” has been funded by the USAID and by [subaward/subcontract from] National Academy of Sciences (WFU funding agency).



Jack Rejeski


Congratulations to Jack Rejeski, professor of health & exercise science, whose proposal entitled “Pepper Center Clinical Research Core” has been funded by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and by [subaward/subcontract from] Wake Forest University Health Sciences (WFU funding agency).





Congratulations to Richard Williams, Reynolds Professor of Physics, whose proposal entitled “Collaborative Research:ARI-MA: Realizing High Performance Inorganic Scintillators at Low Cost” has been funded by the US Department of Homeland Security.
