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Thomas Dunford

The Secrest Artists Series will conclude its 2024-25 concert season with a concert by lutenist Thomas Dunford on Wednesday, March 26 at 7:30 p.m. The performance in Brendle Recital Hall will span many genres and include music by J. S. Bach, John Dowland, Erik Satie, among others.

Frenchman Thomas Dunford is a rising star of the European early music movement, and a dynamic and charismatic performer of Renaissance, Baroque, and modern music on the lute. BBC Music Magazine has written of him, “Dunford’s supple technique, combined with his passion for jazz, allows him to decorate and elaborate … with improvisatory abandon, shedding new light on old favourites. He really plumbs the depths, too, of Dowland’s melancholy ‘blues’ style, proving himself to be an Eric Clapton of the lute.”

Pre-Concert Talk at 6:40 p.m.

A pre-concert talk will be held at 6:40 p.m. in Room M208, just off the Brendle Recital Hall lobby. This evening’s talk will be given by Professor Stewart Carter. Carter teaches music history and music theory at Wake Forest and directs the instrumental component of the Collegium Musicum, an ensemble devoted to the performance of music of the Medieval, Renaissance, and Baroque eras. He is Past-President of the Society for Seventeenth-Century Music and also of the American Musical Instrument Society.

Tickets information

Tickets: Adults $19, Seniors $15, Student $10, Child $5; Group discount available. Visit the Secrest Artists Series website for more information and to purchase tickets.

Wake Forest University students, faculty, staff and retirees may attend Secrest Series concerts free of charge. Please reserve tickets in advance.
