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Need tech help outside of The Bridge’s service desk hours? Information Systems is excited to announce the official launch of IS Deacbot, an AI-powered chatbot providing conversational support after hours! Find Deacbot on the IS website ( and AskDeac ( weekdays after 9 p.m. and all day on weekends.

Deacbot quickly locates information within our knowledge base and online resources, delivering timely answers and reducing search times. While Deacbot enhances our support services, it will not replace our human support teams.

“We are able to stay true to our Wake Forest identity, which values human connection and collaboration, while leveraging technology to improve our support services,” says Mur Muchane, vice president of information technology and chief information officer.

Powered by and a private GPT-4 AI instance, Deacbot protects user privacy by keeping all anonymous chat content within a secure Wake Forest environment.
