Congratulations to the following Wake Forest faculty and staff members whose proposals were funded in Feb. 2025.
Project Title
Patricia Clayton
Associate Professor
NSF / UT Austin
Natural Hazards Engineering Research Infrastructure: Experimental Facility with Large, Mobile Dynamic Shakers for Field Testing 2021-2025 (NSF Award #2037900)
Dany Kim-Shapiro
Harbert Family Distinguished Chair
Physics / Translational Science Center
NIH / Northwestern U
Far Red Light to Improve Functioning in PAD: The LIGHT PAD Trial
Dany Kim-Shapiro
Harbert Family Distinguished Chair
Physics / Translational Science Center
NIH / Northwestern U
Far Red Light to Improve Functioning in PAD: The LIGHT PAD Trial
Dany Kim-Shapiro
Harbert Family Distinguished Chair
Physics / Translational Science Center
NIH / Northwestern U
Response to Exercise and Nitric Oxide in PAD: the RESIST PAD Trial
Eranda Jayawickreme
Harold W. Tribble Professor of Psychology
Templeton World Charity Foundation / U of Glasgow
Andrea Gomez Cervantes
Assistant Professor
Arnold Ventures
Communidad Confined Survey
Dany Kim-Shapiro
Harbert Family Distinguished Chair
Physics / Translational Science Center
NIH / Northwestern U
IMProving mobility After revascularization in periphereal artery disease: the IMPACT PAD Trial