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In spring 2023, President Wente and the Board of Trustees initiated a process to craft a clear, positive University-wide statement about freedom of expression and academic freedom. The new statement is intended to embrace the whole campus community as a commitment to free expression in a safe and inclusive community. 

Over the last six months, a group of faculty and staff appointed by the Provost –equipped with research into Wake Forest’s history, peer school approaches, and contemporary perspectives on free expression and academic freedom – drafted a statement reflecting the cultural commitment to these civic principles that has been deeply embraced at Wake Forest. The aspirations that have been a consistent thread through decades of Wake Forest history are now written in a central document.

The statement is currently in draft form, and the campus community will have opportunities to engage with it during a “comment period” in February and March.

Faculty, staff, and students are invited to visit the Free Expression and Academic Freedom website for more information. This platform serves as a hub for ongoing dialogue and will house essential materials that will help guide forthcoming conversations during the comment period.

The website offers a series of videos exploring freedom of expression and academic freedom. Additional resources, including a discussion guide to facilitate conversations and a feedback tool, will be released in mid-February, coinciding with Founders Day programming focused on free expression. 
