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The Wake Forest University Campus Tree Advisory Committee has recommended a number of tree replacements and additions to bolster the health and resilience of the University’s tree canopy this fall.

The committee evaluates all discretionary tree removals and provides recommendations for maintaining campus trees in accordance with the WFU Campus Tree Care Plan.

On November 19, the Landscaping Services team will remove four Dogwoods in the hardscaped area around Hearn Plaza. The Dogwoods, which have succumbed to increased periods of heat, will be replaced with Serviceberry and Pink Pom Pom Redbud trees. These native species were carefully selected to maintain seasonal color and resilience.

A grove of native Pawpaws will replace a failing Willow Oak in the Scales Courtyard, which will be removed on December 16. The grove will grow as more Pawpaws with genetic diversity become available in the spring.

Over winter break, Virginia Pine trees at risk of failure surrounding the Paschal Drive condos, along with three Tree of Heaven trees, will be removed. Virginia Pines have a history of failure on campus, and Tree of Heaven is an invasive species explicitly prohibited in the Campus Tree Care Plan. Residents of the Paschal Drive condos have been alerted to their removals.

In addition to these upcoming replacements, 60 trees have been planted so far this year including, but not limited to:

  • 1 Red Maple “Frank Jr” Redpointe at Efird next to lot A
  • 1 Black Gum “Tupelo Tower” at Poteat
  • 1 Ginkgo “Golden Colonnade” at Poteat
  • 1 Black Gum “Tupelo Tower” at Palmer
  • 1 Yaupon Holly at Palmer
  • 1 Ginkgo “Golden Colonnade” at Piccolo
  • 1 Beech Tree behind Collins
  • 1 flowering Dogwood and 1 Eastern Redbud at Wait Chapel
  • 2 Magnolia ‘Butterflies’ to the lower Bostwick and Johnson courtyard
  • 2 American Hollies along Wake Forest Road

Over the past decade, nearly 1,200 trees have been planted on campus. For up-to-date information on all campus tree removals and replacements, interested individuals can view a spreadsheet of all tree removals since 2015, with reasons for their removal.
