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Wake Forest is committed to meeting the highest ethical and legal standards and has an annual requirement for disclosing any actual or potential conflicts of interest or commitment, as defined in the University’s Policy on Conflicts of Interest or Commitment.

In the next few days, full-time faculty and staff will receive two communications to start the 2024 – 2025 disclosure process.  Beginning tomorrow, you should see in your email and WorkDay task list a link to a COI education module. This contains short videos describing the COI process and how to navigate the disclosure tool.  Starting the week of September 16, you should receive a second email from with the link to your survey.

  • The subject line will be ‘2024-2025 Conflicts of Interest or Commitment Disclosure Form’.  
  • If there are no disclosable activities, the questionnaire should take about five minutes to complete. 
  • This is a required disclosure.
  • Please refer to the linked WorkDay Learning module to answer common questions and guide you through the disclosure process.  

Please note that this email is not spam and is not a phishing scheme. It is safe to open the email and complete your COI disclosure.  If you have any questions about this process, please see the Compliance Services website or contact us at
