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Congratulations to Wake Forest University faculty from the Reynolda Campus who reported the following books were published.

John T. Dalton & Andrew J. Logan. (Economics). Creative Destruction: An Introduction. Cato Institute. 2024.

T. H. M. Gellar-Goad (Classical Languages). Masks. Punctum Books. 2024.

Ana S. Iltis & Douglas MacKay, Eds. (Philosophy). The Oxford Handbook of Research Ethics. Oxford University Press. 2024.

Gregory Parks, Ed. (Law). The Law of Fraternities and Sororities. Carolina Academic Press. 2024.

Gabriel Quiroz, Diego A. Burgos, & Juan Felipe Zuluaga Molina, Eds. (Spanish). Terminología del español: el término / Spanish Terminology: The Term. Routledge. 2024.

Sidney A. Shapiro & Joseph P. Tomain. (Law). How Government Built America. Cambridge University Press. 2024.

Eric King Watts. (Communication). Postracial Fantasies and Zombies: On the Racist Apocalyptic Politics Devouring the World. University of California Press. 2024.

Heiko Wiggers (posthumously) & Tina Boyer, Eds. (German & Russian). Germanic Philology: Perspectives in Linguistics and Literature. Vernon Press. 2024.

David Yamane. (Sociology). Gun Curious: A Liberal Professor’s Surprising Journey Inside America’s Gun Culture. Exposit Books. 2024.
