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A message from Wake Forest’s Professional Development Center team

“I am so glad we still have it.” “Where have you all been?” “We have a what?”

These are the responses our team is likely to hear when we talk with faculty and staff about the Professional Development Center (PDC). 

Over the years, many members of our University community have participated in PDC programs, attended classes or joined workshops aimed at personal, career, and leadership development. You might have wondered if the University’s PDC still exists. Rest assured, we never left; we might have just been a bit harder to find. 

For those who are newer to Wake Forest, the PDC’s mission is to “Assist all faculty and staff to reach their professional goals and aspirations through collaborative, engaging, innovative, and comprehensive learning and development opportunities.” 

As part of Human Resources, the PDC helps faculty and staff flourish at Wake Forest University and beyond. That’s our way of living Pro Humanitate daily.

In collaboration with Inside WFU, the PDC will be sharing bi-weekly professional development tips over the summer. The posts will provide advice, resources, job aids, checklists, and thoughts on how to shape, enhance, and enrich your professional development. Look for our first post on June 10. We welcome your feedback and ideas for future topics of interest.

We invite you to search for self-paced, on-demand PDC learning opportunities using Workday Learning. You can also enroll in upcoming in-person and live online PDC courses.

The PDC also provides custom training and workshops on a variety of skills, topics, or competencies to improve organizational effectiveness and team dynamics. To learn more about professional development opportunities for teams, units or departments, contact us here.  

We look forward to partnering with you on your professional development journey. 


William (Bill) Gentry – Director of the PDC and Learning & Development
Missy Campbell – Manager, Learning & Development
Melissa Clodfelter – Assistant Vice President, Faculty & Staff Experience

Follow the PDC on Instagram @wfutalent
