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The Office of the Provost is excited to launch the topic selection process for Wake Forest’s next Quality Enhancement Plan (QEP).

The QEP will develop a project or series of initiatives around a single topic that the University will implement to enhance student learning and success as part of our next SACSCOC accreditation cycle. Two topics have been selected as finalists: “AI for Humanity” and “Engaged Learning, Empowered Futures: WFU’s Experiential Approach.”

We invite the campus community to engage with these proposals and provide feedback. Posters will be displayed in the Farrell Hall Living Room, the Wellbeing Center Living Room, and Benson 2nd floor from April 8-19. Please also join us for a feedback forum on April 25 from 4 to 5 p.m. in Benson 401.

To learn more about the proposals, selection committee and process, please visit
