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WFU arch at entrance to Hearn Plaza and spring treesWake Forest University President Susan R. Wente is joining 60 other college presidents of diverse institutions from across the country to advance higher education’s pivotal role in preparing students to be engaged citizens and to uphold free expression on campus.

Through College Presidents for Civic Preparedness, a unique consortium designed by the presidents and convened by the Institute for Citizens & Scholars, participating presidents are dedicated to preparing the next generation of well-informed, productively engaged, and committed citizens; defending free expression, civil discourse, and critical inquiry as essential civic norms; and increasing thoughtful engagement and better understanding by students for the effective functioning of our democracy. The consortium, first announced with 15 members in August 2023, has grown significantly, demonstrating momentum for this movement.

“Wake Forest is committed to graduating leaders with integrity and courage, across disciplines and professions, who embrace evidence-driven debate, open dialogue and critical thinking,” said Wake Forest University President Susan R. Wente. “Universities play an essential role in cultivating civic engagement. Our goal is to prepare students to address the most difficult and controversial questions of our time, while remaining grounded in respect for one another and recognition of our shared humanity.”

Read more at Wake Forest News.
