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Close-up photo of blooming white magnolia flowersApplications are now open for the annual Magnolias Curriculum Project. The Office of Sustainability invites faculty of all career stages and disciplines to enhance their teaching and engagement with sustainability issues by participating in this two-day workshop, taking place May 22 – 23.

Since the workshop was first offered in 2012, more than 100 Wake Forest faculty members have participated, representing 37 different academic departments and programs across the college, graduate school of arts and sciences and the professional schools.

Faculty participants will explore how to meaningfully integrate sustainability – broadly defined – into the classroom. No prior experience with sustainability-related issues in the classroom or in research is necessary.

Faculty who would like to develop a course module or an entirely new course that engages issues of sustainability and the environment are encouraged to apply. Applications will be reviewed beginning May 3. Complete the short application here. For questions, contact Krista Stump at
